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Printmaking information for artists and enthusiastic amateurs.

Fiona Mouzakitis

Printmaking, painting and sculpture form the traditional art disciplines. Nowadays the boundaries of these three disciplines are actually fused. We can see many combinations of painting and printing, sculptures which are actually prints. The use of video, photography and digital media has revolutionized and changed art completely. Printmaking has also incorporated all these changes. Digital prints and the use of photography have changed the traditional way of printmaking. We will try here to give a small amount of information concerning printmaking techniques, galleries, residencies and materials. There are many printmaking techniques and the most important ones are etching, lithography, woodblock printing, relief printing, intaglio, silkscreen and the monotype. A good site offering information on several printmaking techniques is

The site is a huge and comprehensive site offering information on all topics of printmaking plus showing the work of large number of printmakers from all over the world. Also artists can apply to include their work on the site. Sites dealing with specific topics are (covering all topics on wood engraving), also good information on all aspects of the woodcut and relief printing is the Japanese site The site is an excellent site on the art of the monotype, featuring info on the technique plus many monotypes of a variety of artists. An American site that gives us an introduction to gesso printing, a very simple technique which can be tried at home is Basic ways of pulling prints are also described at he site Many printing ideas can be used by amateurs for producing small and large prints. Also the site has fun ways of printmaking and explains in detail all methods used. Its printmaking ideas will engage every child and produce nice and decorative prints. The site is a Danish website offering practical information on non toxic intaglio printmaking. Eventually on the dangers printmaking poses to an artists health more info can be gained by the excellent Japanese site and healthier alternatives are proposed. For printmakers the site of the famous Tamarind Institute specializing in Lithography and offering many courses also in postgraduate level will be of great interest and a valuable source of information. The center for fine art printmaking Grafikens Hus in Sweden offers exchanges and residencies for artists Residencies are also offered by the London Print Studio. A large printmaking workshop also equipped for digital printing. It offers printmaking courses and has an all year round exhibition program Grants for artist in the start of their career are also offered by the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation. (Address: 1824 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite # 1 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H. The Women’s Studio Workshop in NY has internships and residencies for artists Fellowships and residencies are also offered by the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica in Venice Also for the artist or amateur interested in printmaking one good book is “Printmaking for beginners”, Jane Stobart, A&C Black Ltd., London, ISBN 0-7136-5037-0. For every printmaker an invaluable amount of topics and information can be found in the excellent magazine “Printmaking Today”


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